
You look like you may need some help.
Can I help you?

How can I help you?

I'm glad you're fine! If there's anything I can do, just let me know.
I'm always here for you.

♡If you or someone you know are ever in need, there are some resources available to help you.
Remember that calling certain hotlines can get ppl in more danger, e.g. by calling the police. Please be safe, and don't worry, there are enough resources to help you!
In my experience it's helpful to first have a look at the other categories and if they don't help to come back here. Some hotlines may not help you, but I don't know exactly which ones they are, so I have some tips for you, to find the best resource for you.
For the most resources, you have to live in a certain country/region. Therefore, I have some tips to search for resources in your country/region.
1. Find some resources
It sounds quite logical: find some resources. But sometimes it can be harder than you think it is. A thing you can search is 'mental health resources insert country/region'. You'll get some mental health resources offered. How to choose the best one for you, you'll read in the next tip.
2. Find out what they do exactly
As I've mentioned earlier, some resources may get you or other in more danger, by calling the police for example. That's why it's so important to first do some good research before you contact them.
3. If you can, ask someone who has used a mental health resource
I know it's not always possible, but if you know someone who has contacted a mental health resource, you can ask them for help to search a good resource. Experts by experience are always helpful:)
4. Think about what you need exactly
What I mean by this is that you have to figure out which help you need. Do you need help by depression, anxiety, etc? Or are there other things? If you know this, it may help you with searching for a resource, but it's not a problem if you don't really know it.
If you have any other tips you may wanna share with ppl who can use it, you can always contact me! And also know that I'm always here, even when I'm not a professional, you can always contact me and I'll talk to you. I love you♡

First of all: life can be pretty hard and crazy sometimes. You're not overreacting or something, you're doing fine! Life is pretty overwhelming, and it may cause you stress. If you can, just have a moment for yourself to breathe and to be aware of your surroundings. To relax a bit, you can try these things out:
- Take a bath or shower
- Write or draw
- Take a nap/just lay on your couch/bed
- drink some tea/hot choco
- Do some breathing exercises
And remember that everyone needs a break someday. You're doing a great job and I believe in you! I'm so so proud of you♡

I get it's rl hard to get out bed sometimes. Trust me, I have the same. You're not a failure, you're not lazy, you're just having rough time, and that's okay.It may feel like you have nothing to live for and life is pointless. You may have suicidal thoughts. I just wanna let you know that you're loved. Your feelings are valid and you matter. You deserve the world, no matter what. If you ever need something, I'm always here, for all of you.

I struggle with this as well, but it's important to always take care of yourself.
- Get out bed
I know it, it's sometimes one of the hardest things to do, but once you've came out of bed, you're more active. Sometimes you're also just not motivated to get out of your bed, or you have nothing to do it for. If that's your major problem/struggle, try to find something you have to get out of bed for, e.g.
you get out of bed so you can do something you love, like drawing, writing, etc.
you get out of bed so you can watch the sunrise cuz it's so damn pretty
you get out of bed so you can listen to music and dance (rl weird) on it
you get out of bed for ppl you love, like friends, family, etc.
you can think about many other things that keep you going. And I can say, it rl helps.
- Take care of yourself
Take a shower or bath, wash your face, brush your teeth, eat something. And even if you're not planning on doing anything today, dress up like you are. All these things make you feel like you're fresh and clean (so fresh and so clean clean) and it helps your brain, cuz if you're in your pajamas all day, your brain will let other things off the hook as well.
- Meditate/relax
It may sound a bit stupid, but I can assure you it rl helps to calm down. Meditating can clear your head and help you focusing. And if you don't wanna meditate, you can always do something relaxing, like reading a book, listening to music, etc. If you're relaxed, you can concentrate much better on things like homework or a job. It can also help you sleep better.
- Seek help
This is probably the most difficult thing to do, but it can be rl helpful. You can seek help by a friend or family member, but you can also seek help by a professional. If you don't know where to start if you wanna seek help by a professional, I have some tips for you. You can find them by the 'I wanna talk to someone' button.
I know all these things can be hard to do, and it's okay if it takes you some time to do them. Start with one thing at a time, one day at the time. You got this, I believe in you♡

If there's anything, know you can always come back here or you can contact me!
For now, I'll just leave a comfort video here:)

Try to find the trigger why you're being anxious. Ask yourself the questions: Why am I anxious? What may have caused me to be anxious? If you find the trigger, than you can work to the trigger and maybe prevent to get anxious another time this kind of thing happens. If you're already having a panic/anxiety attack, than you might try doing breathing exercises. I'll leave some examples below:)
You can also try this technique:
Write down:
5 things you can see
4 things you can touch
3 things you can hear
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can taste.
All those things will help you to distract you from e.g. your heartbeat, the things causing the panic attacks. What also helps sometimes is splashing some water in your face, listening to your favourite music or journaling.